Friday, March 26, 2010

Playing with Prototypes at Geek Salad | Tue Mar 30 | Kaldi's 7-8 AM

I'm on a prototyping binge.
The iPad is coming April 3. I saw a blog post by OmniGroup, one of my favorite companies for Mac applications. They describe making a couple of iPad prototypes so they could start designing apps for it before they had their hands on a working model.

That got me to thinking.
What would an iPhone app look like for an EMR? What would I expect from it as a family physician? Would I use it in clinic at all? On hospital rounds? How would it be better than a laptop or an iPad? Would I glance at the schedule of patients for my office if I was 7th person in line at the coffee shop?

Those musings had me taking 8 pages of notes in my pocket notebook.

What if I had an iPad prototype?
Well, I had some foam board, black electrician's tape, a sharp shop knife, a yardstick, and access to Apple's website where I could get the exact dimensions. In no time I had a prototype. Make that 4 prototypes. Now I have 5.

One of them is a teacher's $3 masonite white board, including the first-grader writing lines on the flip side. Another one has a giant fluorescent green PostIt note consuming the screen area.

So, come and play with my iPad prototypes.
We'll role play doctor/nurse/patient managing blood pressure control using home measurements.

Bring your imagination, too!

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