Friday, August 29, 2008

Geek Salad meets Tues AM Sep 2 (my birthday, no gifts, please) at 7AM at Kaldi's on 9th and Cherry

Enjoy the Labor Day weekend.

Remember the dignity of work, how much of our soul goes into it, and how much we rely on one another.


Interesting Post from Information Aesthetics

Emotionally Vague




Jeff Belden MD

573-489-4206 m


Sunday, August 24, 2008

New Geek Salad Blog. Not perfect, but underway...

You, too, can post to the blog by sending to this email address:



You can view a blog containing recent and future emails to the GeekSalad mailing list.

However, the images get stripped out.

We’ll see if that can be remedied.


So for, now, here is where you can look for “past issues”.

Geek Salad Blog


Jeff Belden MD

573-489-4206 m


Nice Interactive graphic about Olympic Gold medalist's times compared to his predecessors

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sparkline Anatomy

Subject: Sparkline Anatomy

Our team (Karl, Jared, Jeff) met this AM to work out some vagaries of sparkline display on the
Condition Summary screen. This feels like progress.
We thought you’d like to know, and would appreciate any feedback, about the shape this is taking.
Sparklines are data-intense, word-sized graphs.
Here’s a view in PowerChart  (below)


Here’s the “Sparkline Anatomy” illustration that conveys how the sparklines are rendered.
This is subject to change, if we see ways that work better. Some lab values having target ranges that
are conditional (e.g. Protime, LDL cholesterol).

And here’s a bigger view of that tiny sparkline , made large:

Issues that remain (ignore this if it doesn’t seem clear to you):
1.       Not all sparklines in a column share the same time scale. Some may be up to 2 years of data.
Others may be merely a few days of data. So you can’t compare the one above to the one

2.       The location and vertical spread of the normal band may vary depending on the high and low
values sampled for the time interval.

Jeff Belden MD
573-489-4206 m

Sunday, August 10, 2008

New Geek Salad Blog

I think this will let us post via email to the group, and create an automatic blogging archive of our exchanges.

And, we can put an RSS feed on our Geek Salad home page that includes the last several blog posts in a widget.

And another widget with the meeting calander with time and location.

Many thanks to:
Sean Goggins for setting up the home page account.
Stuart Belden for working out the blog > RSS feed > widget scheme to get stuff to our home page.

And upcoming, maybe a twitter-like feed ( that includes image and video feeds.

Ta da!

Jeff Belden