Thursday, October 29, 2009

One Buttock Playing - Inspiring Leadership

I encountered a friend who mentioned that his son is a composer in Washington DC.
I can't hear the word "composer" without thinking of Ben Zander.
He says "leadership is seeing the shining eyes in others."

Three points.

1. Look at this video player interface. It helps you find the right spot in the video. Chapter markers appear when you hover over the timeline. That's the pedestrian point I wanted to make.
2. Watch the video. Listen. Engage.
3. Now, go read his book. Inspire others. You have it in you.

Jeff Belden MD | | 573-489-4206 m
Geek Salad | Tossing Ideas Around
meeting every other Tuesday at 0700
at Kaldi's Coffee on 9th and Cherry
to unsubscribe, reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in subject line

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Geek Salad meets again Tue Oct 24 at 7-8 AM at Kaldi's on 9th & Cherry

Relationships Make Things Happen
Sometimes, we give too much credit to timelines, processes, and personal drive.
I couldn't get squat done in my jobs if I didn't work with others I knew, trusted, and valued.

Take some time today to express gratitude to those on your team, in your family, or in other relationships.

A couple things helped me become aware again of this truth:

* Listening to an audio book "Three Cups of Tea" during a dozen hours of driving this weekend
* Old friends we met up with this weekend.

Read more, if you have another minute or two...

I'm typing this in the back seat of our car, in the driving rain, with Aretha Franklin belting out on the radio (some oldies station). No, I'm not driving.

I've been on a few days vacation visiting one of my wife's childhood buddies. We had a great time together.

He (Randy) worked for Bell Telephone Labs in Indianapolis designing phones (land-line phones, the kind you leased monthly from the phone company). They were durable as hell! He had a cool display of several phones they made, semi-exploded (the gentle way, to show the insides). They were made with serviceability in mind. Easy to replace ailing parts.

Bell Labs moved to New Jersey, and Randy valued his Indy roots. He stayed, founded an engineering firm that finished some Bell projects that would have died otherwise during the move.

Eventually, he moved on to Rolls Royce (right there in the corn fields of Indiana), managing/engineering controls for jet engines (like the fuel injectors at $35k each, sensors, computers, etc.). You'll fly more peacefully knowing there are duplicate/redundant systems, just like in the NASA space vehicles.

I did not get to see any jet engines, exploded or otherwise.

See you Tuesday AM, if you can make it.

Jeff Belden MD | | 573-489-4206 m
Geek Salad | Tossing Ideas Around
meeting every other Tuesday at 0700
at Kaldi's Coffee on 9th and Cherry
to unsubscribe, reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in subject line

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Geek Salad meets Tue Oct 13 at 7-8 AM at Kaldi's on 9th & Cherry

Do you need to make a visual presentation?
See if your slides or visuals pass "The Glance Test".


See you Tuesday AM.
I'll need to leave a little early.

Jeff Belden
Geek Salad | Tossing Ideas Around