Tuesday, September 28, 2010

using The Back of the Napkin - on visual communication...

Brian Whorley from Boone Hospital Center forwarded this link about Dan Roam's book, "The Back of the Napkin". David Fannin and I highly recommend it, too!

Here's a cool book I ran across: http://www.thebackofthenapkin.com/

As it applies to healthcare: http://digitalroam.typepad.com/digital_roam/2009/08/fixing-health-care-on-the-back-of-a-napkin-4-napkins-actually.html


Jeff Belden MD | beldenj@health.missouri.edu<mailto:beldenj@health.missouri.edu> | 573-489-4206 m
Geek Salad | Tossing Ideas Around
meeting every other Tuesday at 0700
at Kaldi's Coffee on 9th and Cherry
to unsubscribe, reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in subject line

Monday, September 27, 2010

Tell a story with Animated Video - Geek Salad meets Sep 28 at 7AM

I love the videos produced by CommonCraft.com<http://www.commoncraft.com>, like this one on "secure passwords"<http://www.commoncraft.com/secure-passwords-video>. They use cardboard cutouts, fingers moving things around, and creative visualizations.

I came across this storyboard tool<http://www.lilipip.com/templates/Script_and_Storyboard_Template.pdf> that one of the companies in the CommonCraft network uses to help it's clients think through a new custom project.


I'll print a few copies of the form, and we can play with the tool, imagining that we have a complex story to tell. I like the idea of creative constraints (e.g. voice-over is 20 words) to shape the work.

See you at Kaldi's!

Jeff Belden MD | beldenj@health.missouri.edu<mailto:beldenj@health.missouri.edu> | 573-489-4206 m
Geek Salad | Tossing Ideas Around
meeting every other Tuesday at 0700
at Kaldi's Coffee on 9th and Cherry
to unsubscribe, reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in subject line

Monday, September 13, 2010

Get Mental! Shake up thinking that got stuck - Geek Salad meets Tue Sep 14 at 7 AM

September has gotten busy for me, and I suspect others as well.
Vacation months are over.
The quarterly meetings are happening this month.

This creates deadline thinking, and inhibits the creative spark we all have.
I recently got my deck of "Mental Notes<http://www.getmentalnotes.com/>" in the mail, designed to spur "out of the box" thinking, based on sound principles.


Come join us Tuesday AM at Kaldi's and we'll play with these together.
We'll imagine we're stuck (okay, maybe we won't have to imagine it), and use Mental Notes to get us thinking openly again.

See you then.

Jeff Belden MD | beldenj@health.missouri.edu<mailto:beldenj@health.missouri.edu> | 573-489-4206 m
Geek Salad | Tossing Ideas Around
meeting every other Tuesday at 0700
at Kaldi's Coffee on 9th and Cherry
to unsubscribe, reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in subject line