Saturday, February 28, 2009

Geek Salad meets again Tuesday Mar 3 at 7-8 AM at Kaldi's on 9th and Cherry

Think about this question:

What is it like working with the beast?


I was thinking about how collaboration is such an essential element in our work.

That means working with others.


So, what is the “beast” I refer to?

It depends, and it’s always changing.


Maybe one day, it’s a co-worker. Another day it might be seemingly witless clients.

Or maybe your inner demons.


What’s it like for you?



Jeff Belden MD

573-489-4206 m

Geek Salad: Tossing Ideas Around

meeting every other Tuesday at 0700

at Kaldi's Coffee on 9th and Cherry


to unsubscribe, reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in subject line


Saturday, February 14, 2009

More sketches for a Dashboard for Infectious Disease

I made some more sketches after I got an email response from Garrel Renick, the original inspiration for Geek Salad, and for me even knowing about sparklines and Edward Tufte.


I have uploaded all the sketches to a web album: Dashboard for Infectious Disease



Dashboard for Infectious Disease

Feb 14, 2009
by Jeff Belden

View Album
Play slideshow


I’d love to hear more of your comments and suggestions. I’ll bring paper and crayons Tuesday AM, for anyone who’s interested.


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Jeff Belden MD

573-489-4206 m

Geek Salad: Tossing Ideas Around

meeting every other Tuesday at 0700

at Kaldi's Coffee on 9th and Cherry


to unsubscribe, reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in subject line



More Dashboard Sketches for Infectious Disease Patients

Here are a series of sketches for elements of a clinical dashboard for a hospitalized patient with serious infectious diseases. Your suggestions are welcome.

Slide Show

Friday, February 13, 2009

Geek Salad meets Tuesday Feb 17 at 7-8 AM at Kaldi's on 9th and Cherry


I’m working on a project where doctors dealing with complicated infections are looking for data over days, weeks, or months.

Often, these are people in the hospital with numerous cultures of body fluids, and many procedures to look for the causes of infection.

It is tedious to go back and find all these pieces of data.

So, we are working on a dashboard view for the EHR.

Take a look at these sketches. We can talk about these on Tuesday. I’m interested in your thoughts.

See you Tuesday, if you can make it.

============================ here are the sketches ======================

I was reminded of these little bar graphs pioneered by Stephen Few and Edward Tufte.

So I thought of some ways to convey layers of information in a timeline graph, particularly with culture results, C diff results, and with procedure dates (and positive and negative findings).

Consider these sketches very preliminary.

They should foster discussion:

· What looks helpful?

· Can we change this?

· What if we combined these two elements?

· You have the shading just the opposite of what is helpful!

Offer your own sketches or annotations on these.

Jeff Belden MD

573-489-4206 m

Geek Salad: Tossing Ideas Around

meeting every other Tuesday at 0700

at Kaldi's Coffee on 9th and Cherry

to unsubscribe, reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in subject line