Saturday, October 2, 2010

Geek Salad takes a hiatus, but David Fannin will be there each week if you get lonely

Gone Fishing
I'll be doing some traveling the next few weeks, so we won't have an official meeting.
Don't bother trying to rob the house; it will be occupied and well-guarded.

David is a morning regular at Kaldi's, so you can find him there, if you arrive by 7 or so.

Here are some other alternatives to get your Geek Fix in the meantime:

* Mid-Mo iPad Users Group - Thu Oct 21 at 5:30 PM - Reynolds Journalism Institute: Lambert room - U of Mo

I'll be back to meet again on Nov 9, so stay tuned.

Jeff Belden MD |<> | 573-489-4206 m
Geek Salad | Tossing Ideas Around
meeting every other Tuesday at 0700
at Kaldi's Coffee on 9th and Cherry
to unsubscribe, reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in subject line

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