Saturday, December 4, 2010

Don't get soap in your eyes - Geek Salad will not meet this Tuesday Dec 7

Why aren't all shampoo and conditioner bottles labelled like this, for my presbyopic eyes?

These bottles below are more typical.

Most bottles are labelled with lush typography and are otherwise unreadable to 40+ year old eyes, without their reading glasses, in the shower trying to figure out which bottle to use first.
It's a usability issue seldom addressed.
I bet all the graphic designers are twenty-somethings.

I'm in the throes of CPOE (computerized physician order entry) conversion these two weeks, and I'll need the extra waking hour to cope with that project.
It's gratifying to feel needed and wanted, I suppose.

So, sleep late, or linger over your morning coffee all by yourself.
See you in two weeks, a few days before Christmas.

Jeff Belden MD |<> | 573-489-4206 m
Geek Salad | Tossing Ideas Around
meeting every other Tuesday at 0700
at Kaldi's Coffee on 9th and Cherry
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