Monday, May 24, 2010

It's getting cloudier - Geek Salad meets Tue May 25 at 0700

I’m getting more of my stuff to and through the cloud.

With the iPad, I put stuff in DropBox and it’s on my iPad without a wired connection.


We are remodeling, so my wife had photos of someone else’s closet layout. I put the SD card into the Mac, pulled off the photos and put them into a DropBox photo folder. In 2 minutes, we were upstairs walking through our remodeled shell of a closet, looking at the photos on the iPad via the DropBox app.  “The shoes would go on this wall…”.


TripIt made it a snap to add my June flight to San Francisco to the calendar, with flight details.


What cloud tools are you using?


See you Tuesday AM at 7 at Kaldi’s on 9th & Elm.



Friday, May 7, 2010

Let's make more mockups of an iPad "manage the home BP" app - Geek Salad meets Tue May 11 at 7-8 AM

I read a page in Tim Brown’s book “Design Thinking” this AM.

It set off a cascade of ideas.


As a doctor, is the patient my target, or my partner?

My attitude makes a big difference.

That got me thinking about our session a month or two ago when we paired off to sketch mobile app ideas for managing home BP. Everyone was so engaged!


This AM, I made a number of sketches that raised an equal number of questions.

Here’s one I refined into a mockup.




Join us Tue AM to explore those questions and point toward some answers.

I’ll bring the rest of my sketches, and stuff for you to sketch on.

Feel free to bring your own crayons or markers, if you prefer.