Baby, it's cold outside, but it's warm by that nice fireplace in Kaldi's near the big screen TV.
I've been using Splash ID for keeping my passwords. Originally I chose it because it had a Palm and a Mac version. Now it has an iPhone version.
I now use Xmarks to sync my bookmarks and to save passwords. Xmarks syncs across Mac and Windows, and has versions for Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and now Google Chrome.
Last Pass
Here's a tool I hadn't known of before. I think I'll try it. Free!
It's appealing to me that it will:
* generate unique passwords for each website I use. Currently, I share the same password more often than I'd like.
* auto fill web forms, if you like
* work with multiple browsers and many platforms, including iPhone, Win, Mac, and all my browsers.
See you Tuesday.
If I don't, here's wishing you and your family happy holidays.