I have a thought and a question.
The Question:
Is there an online (or any other) survey tool that allows easy inclusion of images within the survey itself?
Surveymonkey does, but it’s a bit clunky.
Ideally, I’d like to drag and drop the images.
I want to show alternative sketches or prototype images to clinician users, and ask for feedback or to see if they “get it”.
Now the thought (unrelated):
Listen to the first 13 minutes (then try to stop) of this interview with Tim O’Reilly, talking about transforming the way we interact with government.
I thought, listening to one of his examples, of how we might muster local citizen effort to patch up this part of the trail system (the green bike icon), under Providence, all washed out. Join the discussion Tue AM!
Jeff Belden MD
573-489-4206 m
Geek Salad: Tossing Ideas Around
meeting every other Tuesday at 0700
at Kaldi's Coffee on 9th and Cherry
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