Sunday, December 21, 2008

Geek Salad won't officially meet this Tuesday Dec 23.

A few of the diehards will likely be at Kaldi’s on 9th and Elm at 7 AM anyway, in case you are looking for conversation.

Happy Holidays to you all!


Jeff Belden MD

573-489-4206 m

Geek Salad: Tossing Ideas Around

meeting every other Tuesday at 0700

at Kaldi's Coffee on 9th and Cherry


to unsubscribe, reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in subject line


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A very cool interactive heatmap visualization of Chicago Political Contributions

What with our new president-elect from Hyde Park, IL, and IL Gov. Rod Blagojevich being in the news, this heatmap is even more intriguing.

I know the Hyde Park area, so I knew where to drill down. I was looking to see how much one of my friends had donated. I had to quit and go back to work.

Do the “Chicago Campaign Contributions” application.

You can play with the controls, and I think it’s fun.





Jeff Belden MD

573-489-4206 m

Geek Salad: Tossing Ideas Around

meeting every other Tuesday at 0700

at Kaldi's Coffee on 9th and Cherry


to unsubscribe, reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in subject line


Friday, December 5, 2008

Geek Salad meets Tues Dec 9 at 7-8 AM at Kaldi's on 9th and Cherry.

Finding users to test

I was thinking.

·         How do you find users to test your software or other creations?

·         How do you know they represent your target audience?

·         How do you recruit? Who does the recruiting?

·         How often do you give up and say “To hell with it. This product is good enough!”?


I like Steve Krug’s approach on p 147ff of this PDF.



Jeff Belden MD

573-489-4206 m

Geek Salad: Tossing Ideas Around

meeting every other Tuesday at 0700

at Kaldi's Coffee on 9th and Cherry


to unsubscribe, reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in subject line


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Laura Trice: The power of saying thank you

Jeff mentioned a TED talk this morning that is particularly timely as we think about all the things we are thankful for.  Here is the link for anyone who has not seen it yet.





David P.Fannin

Database Programmer/Analyst

Division of Information Technology · University of Missouri

573.884.0636 · 615 Locust St #300 · Columbia, MO



Sunday, November 23, 2008

Geek Salad meets this Tuesday Nov 25 at 7-8 at Kaldi's on 9th & Cherry

I just listened to an interview with the developer of Balsamiq Mockups, a wire-framing application with hand-drawn graphic elements.

The demo is fun to play with.

Check it out.


Jeff Belden MD

573-489-4206 m

Geek Salad: Tossing Ideas Around

meeting every other Tuesday at 0700

at Kaldi's Coffee on 9th and Cherry


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

World Usability Day

Hi All,


Please join us for World Usability Day tomorrow:


Come join the Information Experience Laboratory as we celebrate World Usability Day 2008 on Thursday, November 13, from 10:00am - 2:00pm in Brady Commons, University of Missouri. This year hundreds of events are taking place in more than 40 countries around the globe. You can experience website usability testing firsthand by being a part of our study on the usability of Columbia's Interactive Walking and Biking Map. We want to see how easy it is for bike riders to get directions from the map.

Announcement sponsored by Information Experience Laboratory



Neeley Current

IE Lab Coordinator


From: Belden, Jeffery L.
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 1:15 PM
To: Blog; Brian Whorley (; Calvin Patterson (; Chris Ellingsworth; Chris Miller (; Tharenos, Christy L.; Fannin, David P.; Dory Colbert (; Garrel L Renick; Westergren, Gary D.; Gong, Yang; Hooker, Carl R.; Hussam, Ali A.; James Ronan (; Jason Cafer (; Belden, Jeffery L.; Joe Dames; Joe Sanford (; Moore, Joi L.; Kapp, Julie M.; Kochendorfer, Karl M.; Liu, Pei-Ju(MU-Student); McElroy, Jane A.; Current, Neeley Ann; Alafaireet, Patricia; Politte, Keith D.; robert carroll; Erdelez, Sanda; Sean Goggins (; Osterlind, Steven J.; Strid, Marc Bennett; Stuart Belden (; Tawfik, Andrew A. (MU-Student); Ted Bowman (; Trull, Tim; Wang, Jiazhen (MU-Student); Woody Sturges (; Wang, Xin (MU-Student)
Subject: Geek Salad meets again Tues Nov 11 at 7-8 AM at Kaldi's


I found this in an RSS feed I get from Boxes and Arrows.

If you are like me, you might just look at the pictures, and read the headers, and then imagine…


I know it’s cold and dark in the mornings now,

but have you been disappointed in talking to your friends at Geek Salad?

Probably not.


Jeff Belden MD

573-489-4206 m

Geek Salad: Tossing Ideas Around

meeting every other Tuesday at 0700

at Kaldi's Coffee on 9th and Cherry





Sent to you by Jeff via Google Reader:



via Boxes and Arrows by Anders Ramsay, Leah Buley on 10/31/08


Illustrations by Leah Buley

If you design user experiences for standards-based websites and applications (i.e. those built with XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript), there are several great reasons for adding XHTML prototyping to your UX tool kit. Perhaps you’ve found that traditional wireframes just aren’t sufficient and are looking for more powerful ways to explore and communicate design solutions. Perhaps your current practice is based on the traditional waterfall model (i.e. first creating wireframes, which are handed off to creative, who hand off comps to tech, and so forth), and you want to explore more contemporary methodologies, such as agile and iterative development. Regardless, a great way to embark on that journey is to start prototyping with XHTML.

So what does it mean to prototype with XHTML? Essentially, it’s the process of using the XHTML itself, and related technologies, to evolve and define your design solution. And what does an XHTML prototype look like? While, as we’ll see, that depends on where you are in your prototyping process, an XHTML prototype generally looks like any other web page built with XHTML, with some links or features perhaps being non-functional. In other words, anything you can build with XHTML, from consumer websites to enterprise applications, you can also prototype with XHTML. As we’ll see, there are numerous advantages to this approach compared to designing with wireframes or other prototyping tools.

An Iterative Process

While prototyping with XHTML isn’t tied to a specific design process, iterative development seems to effectively leverage its strengths. There are many reasons for this, but perhaps the most significant is that in both cases the prototype, and later the application itself, doubles as a specification. We’ll explore what that means in a bit, but first let’s walk through a suggested process for prototyping with XHTML.Let us start with an overview of the larger design process:

In this (iterative) methodology, rather than design the entire application before starting to build it, one designs and builds a unit of the application and then uses what has been built to inform and serve as a starting point for other application units. As with other design methods, the design work begins with sketching, which plays a particularly important role relative to prototyping.

Sketching: A Freeform Question

The term ‘sketching’ refers here to any freeform exploration unconstrained by a specific technology. This includes production of wireframes, which in this model are reframed, as it were, from specification artifact to refined sketch. When thought of, and presented to stakeholders, as sketches, its more natural to discard your wireframes once the design has evolved beyond them. This is usually after a prototype equivalent has been produced. With the design team I work with, we’ve found that when prototyping with XHTML, wireframes often became superfluous, and it’s more effective to go directly from sketch to prototype.

Prototyping: A Concrete Response

Prototyping has a counterpoint relationship to sketching. To paraphrase Bill Buxton, while sketches ask a question—”Is this a good design idea?”— prototypes provide a response. By making the idea manifest, prototypes force upon it the concrete realities and user experience idiosyncrasies of the actual production technology and offer a crisp verdict on the quality of what you dreamed up in drawings.

The Prototype/Build Relationship

When prototyping with XHTML, especially in an iterative model, the build and prototype become very intertwined. If you’re prototyping a new application or product, the XHTML prototype is essentially a rough draft of the actual application. However, when updating the design of an existing application, the production version can serve as the starting point for the prototype of the new solution.

Three Integrated Layers: Structure, Behavior, Foundation

The model for XHTML prototyping is based on the best practices model for actual site production: start by setting the foundation with XHTML, add a presentation layer with CSS, follow it by a behavioral layer using JavaScript then iterate.

Let’s start by looking at the structural layer.

Structure: Set the Page Foundation

The first step in production of the XHTML prototype is to create a structural foundation. Similar to how we create a wireframe, we start by representing the main content areas on the page, except we do so with text-based XHTML markup.

| If our sketch or wireframe looks like this | ...our XHTML might look like this: | |^. |^.
<div id="header"><h1><a id="product-name" href="#">XYZ Application</a></h1></div>
<h1 id="page-title">My Account</h1>
<div id="account-options"><h2>Account options</h2></div>
<div id="account-details"><h2>Account details</h2></div>
<div id="account-help"><h2>Account Help</h2></div>
<div id="footer">[footer]</div>

(We're only displaying the relevant snippet of the XHTML here.)

Next, we add detailed content elements that have been defined, using the XHTML structure appropriate for the corresponding content.

| For example, if our detailed sketch looks like this | ...we’d represent the list of account help topics as an unordered list (i.e. use the ul tag): | |^. |^.

<div id="account-help">
<h2>Account Help</h2>
<li><a href="#" rel="help">How do I lorem ipsum?</a></li>
<li><a href="#" rel="help"> How do I dolet amet?</a></li>
<li><a <a href="#" rel="help"> How do I lorem ipsum?</a></li>
<li><a href="#" rel="help" class="more">More help…</a></li>


Continuing to add detailed content to the page, we have essentially produced a structured content inventory of the page. This serves as a foundation for the rest of the prototype production. While wireframes force us to represent a page’s information architecture within a specific layout, this is pure structure and hierarchy, and, in my opinion, represents the true information architecture of a web page.

By defining the information architecture directly in the XHTML, we can also easily define accessibility-specific attributes, such as being cognizant of how users traversing the page with a screen reader will experience the page, and order content blocks accordingly. Additionally, we can more easily define elements often overlooked when working with wireframes, such as effective use ofLabel tags in forms.

If one were to view the structural layer in a browser, it would essentially look like an unstyled web page, and would not be interesting to look at. Just as building foundations are not known for their aesthetic qualities, but instead for the impact their quality has on the building they support, so too will the quality of the page structure significantly impact the overall quality of the web page. In fact, that absence of style is a key advantage of working with XHTML.

Evolving the Presentation Layer

With a page structure in place, we are ready to focus on how content will be presented. Looking back at our sketches, we’ve already explored some layout concepts, which we can begin to apply to our content structure. The way that look and feel is developed and applied will vary widely from team to team. While you may choose to do your initial exploration of look and feel with design comps, especially if you are also developing an overall brand, it’s worthwhile to redefine comps similarly to how we previously redefined wireframes. Just like wireframes are great as sketches, design comps are great for initial exploration of look and feel. But the practice of fully developing the presentation layer away from the actual technology, and then cutting it up and applying it wholesale to a web page is like wallpapering a façade onto a building. It’s impossible to be aware of all the dynamic aspects of a web page when working in static illustration software. However, when prototyping with XHTML, you can leverage the power of rendering your design in the same way that it will be seen by users, and incrementally evolve page presentation based on this immediate and rich feedback.

Issues that don’t easily reveal themselves when working in illustration software will often be obvious. This includes issues related to your design and the browser viewport, from the basic question of if the design should center itself in the browser window, to more advanced issues, such as how to design for different window sizes and browser resolutions. For example, for small windows sizes, is it okay if some content disappears out of view, or should the design adapt to the window size? When look and feel is designed solely with illustration software, questions like this are often unexplored to the detriment of user experience.

Adding Behavior: Unreinventing the Wheel

When prototyping with XHTML, you are designing within the larger ecosystem of the web, which effectively becomes your always-up-to-date UI library. Instead of laboring over the design of a detailed piece of functionality, start by letting Google inform you if anyone else has designed and built something similar, and then use that as the starting point for your solution. This can include anything from date-pickers to web widgets to whatever cutting edge UI idea was just created. Additionally, prototyping with XHTML makes it easy to incorporate and simulate Web 2.0 functionality, such as embedded widgets and syndication. If you don’t know JavaScript, or whatever technology is being used, you can collaborate with your developer on integrating the solution. Of course, you’re not going to find a solution for all your design needs online. In those cases, go back to sketching and collaborating with your team.

Iteration: Discovery, Evolution

The true power of prototyping really emerges during iteration This is when users can interact with your prototype. On a recent project, we sketched out a solution in which users could drag videos from a library onto a playlist. Looking at the static illustrations, it seemed a simple and elegant idea. But when users were able to interact with the solution, dragging and dropping video thumbnails, they found that it was a pretty tedious activity, especially for large numbers of videos. In other words, the prototype allowed us to discover a design problem that went unnoticed when looking at a wireframe.

And therein lies a core problem with using static artifacts to communicate interactive solutions; they effectively force the user to prototype the solution in their imagination, where all solutions seem to function in glorious perfection. With XHTML, we minimize the cognitive leap that users need to make, allowing them to instead experience and respond to something nearly identical to the actual solution.

Once users provide feedback and the team begins work on the next iteration, another measure of the quality of the prototyping methodology comes into play: how rapidly are you able to iterate? The longer an iteration takes, the less valuable your prototype. When prototyping with XHTML, iterations can be incredibly fast, first because the prototype can be easily presented to users, since it’s usually just a question of posting your files and sending out a URL. Second, because XHTML is text-based, iterations such as text changes or basic functional updates can often be completed in just a few minutes. More advanced design updates usually don’t take more than a few hours of actual production time.

How XHTML Can Double as a Specification

One of the most powerful aspects of XHTML is that it is self-describing. The same XHTML markup that tells a browser what to display can also double as a specification for a developer. For example…


This markup


Would be read as




^. <div id="header">


“This is the start of the header content block.”










^. <a id="product-name" href="/home/">XYZ Application</a>

“display the product name, which should link to the homepage”











^. <div id="user-info">Signed in as Jane Smith (<span class="role">Editor</span>)</div> ;

^. “display user information, including the user’s role (or set of application permissions”





In buzzword-speak, the practice we are applying here is writing semantically meaningful markup, which means we are selecting tags and naming our IDs and Classes such that they communicate the meaning and function of the content they enclose.

Annotations Visible Only to Those Who Care About Them

Another advantage of using XHTML as a specification is that IDs and Class names can double as annotation references. In other words, the annotations for the content block with the ID “account-options” would appear under the heading “Account Options” in your specification.

Rather than obscure and clutter a page design by placing annotation callouts on top of it, a common practice when using wireframes, that may confuse and distract non-technical viewers, references are only in the markup view for developers who are interested in seeing them. And since the XHTML file itself is so richly informative, the actual annotations written tend to only be short bullet points.

More Standards, Less Noise

One of the biggest problems with wireframes is the lack of a standardized notation. In other words, my wireframes certainly don’t look anything like your wireframes. This means that visual designers and developers who use wireframes are continually relearning how to interpret our work, leading to noise between author and reader. To compensate for the lack of a standard, we have to create highly detailed wireframes, with often lengthy annotations that explain what our wireframes mean and how elements in them work. These, in turn, are collected in large specification documents that usually are so labor-intensive they become impossible to maintain. When they are no longer kept up-to-date, the team stops trusting and relying on them as the design specification, which leads to all kinds of bad things happening.

In contrast to wireframes, XHTML is a standardized notation, anyone who knows XHTML can read your document. More importantly, it is a language spoken fluently by a key target audience of your design documents, the developers. And those who don’t know or care about XHTML can view the part they do care about, the page design, by opening the document in a browser.

Using a standardized notation also means you are not confined to specialized wireframing or prototyping software, but can use anything from a simple text editor to the range of tools available for editing XHTML files. Also the compact syntax of XHTML, particularly compared to verbose wireframe annotations, combined with the fact that you are just typing in a text file, leaving it to a browser to deal with the visuals, allows you to work rapidly and efficiently.

A Small Amount of Knowledge Goes a Long Way

If you’re new to XHTML, you’ll discover that a small amount of knowledge goes a long way. Spend just a few hours following any of the innumerable online tutorials and you’ll be writing XHTML markup in no time. (Two great places to start are or Better yet, rather than invest time learning the UX tool du jour, you deepen your understanding of the technology that realizes your design.

Dividing and Conquering

The redefining of a wireframe from a blueprint to a sketch has a domino effect on who does what and when in evolving the page or application design. After a rough page design has been sketched out, rather than have one team member toil away in isolation, wireframing detailed representations of each page design, this model takes a divide-and-conquer approach. On the team I work with, I might produce an initial cut of the XHTML and some of the CSS, while other team members build on that, updating the XHTML, adding more advanced CSS, as well as JavaScript. If the team as a whole conceives of a solution, why not also have the team as a whole design it? In other words, rather than creating one person’s vision of a team’s solution, why not have the entire team contribute their particular expertise? When working with XHTML, we can use the tight integration of CSS and JavaScript to allow team members to contribute their dimension of the design via a set of integrated artifacts.

Where To Go From Here

This has, of course, been a mere whetting of the appetite for anyone interested in prototyping with XHTML. If you are interested in exploring the methodology further, particularly if you currently follow a traditional waterfall-oriented process, I recommend a many-small-steps approach. In other words, prototype the methodology itself, working with your team on a small project, and then building on that. If your experience is anything like mine, you’ll find it an incredibly powerful addition to your UX toolbox—a more effective way to straddle that proverbial divide between user experience and technology.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Geek Salad meets again Tues Nov 11 at 7-8 AM at Kaldi's

I found this in an RSS feed I get from Boxes and Arrows.

If you are like me, you might just look at the pictures, and read the headers, and then imagine…


I know it's cold and dark in the mornings now,

but have you been disappointed in talking to your friends at Geek Salad?

Probably not.


Jeff Belden MD

573-489-4206 m

Geek Salad: Tossing Ideas Around

meeting every other Tuesday at 0700

at Kaldi's Coffee on 9th and Cherry





Sent to you by Jeff via Google Reader:



via Boxes and Arrows by Anders Ramsay, Leah Buley on 10/31/08


Illustrations by Leah Buley

If you design user experiences for standards-based websites and applications (i.e. those built with XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript), there are several great reasons for adding XHTML prototyping to your UX tool kit. Perhaps you've found that traditional wireframes just aren't sufficient and are looking for more powerful ways to explore and communicate design solutions. Perhaps your current practice is based on the traditional waterfall model (i.e. first creating wireframes, which are handed off to creative, who hand off comps to tech, and so forth), and you want to explore more contemporary methodologies, such as agile and iterative development. Regardless, a great way to embark on that journey is to start prototyping with XHTML.

So what does it mean to prototype with XHTML? Essentially, it's the process of using the XHTML itself, and related technologies, to evolve and define your design solution. And what does an XHTML prototype look like? While, as we'll see, that depends on where you are in your prototyping process, an XHTML prototype generally looks like any other web page built with XHTML, with some links or features perhaps being non-functional. In other words, anything you can build with XHTML, from consumer websites to enterprise applications, you can also prototype with XHTML. As we'll see, there are numerous advantages to this approach compared to designing with wireframes or other prototyping tools.

An Iterative Process

While prototyping with XHTML isn't tied to a specific design process, iterative development seems to effectively leverage its strengths. There are many reasons for this, but perhaps the most significant is that in both cases the prototype, and later the application itself, doubles as a specification. We'll explore what that means in a bit, but first let's walk through a suggested process for prototyping with XHTML.Let us start with an overview of the larger design process:

In this (iterative) methodology, rather than design the entire application before starting to build it, one designs and builds a unit of the application and then uses what has been built to inform and serve as a starting point for other application units. As with other design methods, the design work begins with sketching, which plays a particularly important role relative to prototyping.

Sketching: A Freeform Question

The term 'sketching' refers here to any freeform exploration unconstrained by a specific technology. This includes production of wireframes, which in this model are reframed, as it were, from specification artifact to refined sketch. When thought of, and presented to stakeholders, as sketches, its more natural to discard your wireframes once the design has evolved beyond them. This is usually after a prototype equivalent has been produced. With the design team I work with, we've found that when prototyping with XHTML, wireframes often became superfluous, and it's more effective to go directly from sketch to prototype.

Prototyping: A Concrete Response

Prototyping has a counterpoint relationship to sketching. To paraphrase Bill Buxton, while sketches ask a question—"Is this a good design idea?"— prototypes provide a response. By making the idea manifest, prototypes force upon it the concrete realities and user experience idiosyncrasies of the actual production technology and offer a crisp verdict on the quality of what you dreamed up in drawings.

The Prototype/Build Relationship

When prototyping with XHTML, especially in an iterative model, the build and prototype become very intertwined. If you're prototyping a new application or product, the XHTML prototype is essentially a rough draft of the actual application. However, when updating the design of an existing application, the production version can serve as the starting point for the prototype of the new solution.

Three Integrated Layers: Structure, Behavior, Foundation

The model for XHTML prototyping is based on the best practices model for actual site production: start by setting the foundation with XHTML, add a presentation layer with CSS, follow it by a behavioral layer using JavaScript then iterate.

Let's start by looking at the structural layer.

Structure: Set the Page Foundation

The first step in production of the XHTML prototype is to create a structural foundation. Similar to how we create a wireframe, we start by representing the main content areas on the page, except we do so with text-based XHTML markup.

| If our sketch or wireframe looks like this | ...our XHTML might look like this: | |^. |^.
<div id="header"><h1><a id="product-name" href="#">XYZ Application</a></h1></div>
<h1 id="page-title">My Account</h1>
<div id="account-options"><h2>Account options</h2></div>
<div id="account-details"><h2>Account details</h2></div>
<div id="account-help"><h2>Account Help</h2></div>
<div id="footer">[footer]</div>

(We're only displaying the relevant snippet of the XHTML here.)

Next, we add detailed content elements that have been defined, using the XHTML structure appropriate for the corresponding content.

| For example, if our detailed sketch looks like this | ...we'd represent the list of account help topics as an unordered list (i.e. use the ul tag): | |^. |^.

<div id="account-help">
<h2>Account Help</h2>
<li><a href="#" rel="help">How do I lorem ipsum?</a></li>
<li><a href="#" rel="help"> How do I dolet amet?</a></li>
<li><a <a href="#" rel="help"> How do I lorem ipsum?</a></li>
<li><a href="#" rel="help" class="more">More help…</a></li>


Continuing to add detailed content to the page, we have essentially produced a structured content inventory of the page. This serves as a foundation for the rest of the prototype production. While wireframes force us to represent a page's information architecture within a specific layout, this is pure structure and hierarchy, and, in my opinion, represents the true information architecture of a web page.

By defining the information architecture directly in the XHTML, we can also easily define accessibility-specific attributes, such as being cognizant of how users traversing the page with a screen reader will experience the page, and order content blocks accordingly. Additionally, we can more easily define elements often overlooked when working with wireframes, such as effective use ofLabel tags in forms.

If one were to view the structural layer in a browser, it would essentially look like an unstyled web page, and would not be interesting to look at. Just as building foundations are not known for their aesthetic qualities, but instead for the impact their quality has on the building they support, so too will the quality of the page structure significantly impact the overall quality of the web page. In fact, that absence of style is a key advantage of working with XHTML.

Evolving the Presentation Layer

With a page structure in place, we are ready to focus on how content will be presented. Looking back at our sketches, we've already explored some layout concepts, which we can begin to apply to our content structure. The way that look and feel is developed and applied will vary widely from team to team. While you may choose to do your initial exploration of look and feel with design comps, especially if you are also developing an overall brand, it's worthwhile to redefine comps similarly to how we previously redefined wireframes. Just like wireframes are great as sketches, design comps are great for initial exploration of look and feel. But the practice of fully developing the presentation layer away from the actual technology, and then cutting it up and applying it wholesale to a web page is like wallpapering a façade onto a building. It's impossible to be aware of all the dynamic aspects of a web page when working in static illustration software. However, when prototyping with XHTML, you can leverage the power of rendering your design in the same way that it will be seen by users, and incrementally evolve page presentation based on this immediate and rich feedback.

Issues that don't easily reveal themselves when working in illustration software will often be obvious. This includes issues related to your design and the browser viewport, from the basic question of if the design should center itself in the browser window, to more advanced issues, such as how to design for different window sizes and browser resolutions. For example, for small windows sizes, is it okay if some content disappears out of view, or should the design adapt to the window size? When look and feel is designed solely with illustration software, questions like this are often unexplored to the detriment of user experience.

Adding Behavior: Unreinventing the Wheel

When prototyping with XHTML, you are designing within the larger ecosystem of the web, which effectively becomes your always-up-to-date UI library. Instead of laboring over the design of a detailed piece of functionality, start by letting Google inform you if anyone else has designed and built something similar, and then use that as the starting point for your solution. This can include anything from date-pickers to web widgets to whatever cutting edge UI idea was just created. Additionally, prototyping with XHTML makes it easy to incorporate and simulate Web 2.0 functionality, such as embedded widgets and syndication. If you don't know JavaScript, or whatever technology is being used, you can collaborate with your developer on integrating the solution. Of course, you're not going to find a solution for all your design needs online. In those cases, go back to sketching and collaborating with your team.

Iteration: Discovery, Evolution

The true power of prototyping really emerges during iteration This is when users can interact with your prototype. On a recent project, we sketched out a solution in which users could drag videos from a library onto a playlist. Looking at the static illustrations, it seemed a simple and elegant idea. But when users were able to interact with the solution, dragging and dropping video thumbnails, they found that it was a pretty tedious activity, especially for large numbers of videos. In other words, the prototype allowed us to discover a design problem that went unnoticed when looking at a wireframe.

And therein lies a core problem with using static artifacts to communicate interactive solutions; they effectively force the user to prototype the solution in their imagination, where all solutions seem to function in glorious perfection. With XHTML, we minimize the cognitive leap that users need to make, allowing them to instead experience and respond to something nearly identical to the actual solution.

Once users provide feedback and the team begins work on the next iteration, another measure of the quality of the prototyping methodology comes into play: how rapidly are you able to iterate? The longer an iteration takes, the less valuable your prototype. When prototyping with XHTML, iterations can be incredibly fast, first because the prototype can be easily presented to users, since it's usually just a question of posting your files and sending out a URL. Second, because XHTML is text-based, iterations such as text changes or basic functional updates can often be completed in just a few minutes. More advanced design updates usually don't take more than a few hours of actual production time.

How XHTML Can Double as a Specification

One of the most powerful aspects of XHTML is that it is self-describing. The same XHTML markup that tells a browser what to display can also double as a specification for a developer. For example…

This markup


Would be read as

^. <div id="header">


"This is the start of the header content block."



^. <a id="product-name" href="/home/">XYZ Application</a>

"display the product name, which should link to the homepage"



^. <div id="user-info">Signed in as Jane Smith (<span class="role">Editor</span>)</div> ;

^. "display user information, including the user's role (or set of application permissions"

In buzzword-speak, the practice we are applying here is writing semantically meaningful markup, which means we are selecting tags and naming our IDs and Classes such that they communicate the meaning and function of the content they enclose.

Annotations Visible Only to Those Who Care About Them

Another advantage of using XHTML as a specification is that IDs and Class names can double as annotation references. In other words, the annotations for the content block with the ID "account-options" would appear under the heading "Account Options" in your specification.

Rather than obscure and clutter a page design by placing annotation callouts on top of it, a common practice when using wireframes, that may confuse and distract non-technical viewers, references are only in the markup view for developers who are interested in seeing them. And since the XHTML file itself is so richly informative, the actual annotations written tend to only be short bullet points.

More Standards, Less Noise

One of the biggest problems with wireframes is the lack of a standardized notation. In other words, my wireframes certainly don't look anything like your wireframes. This means that visual designers and developers who use wireframes are continually relearning how to interpret our work, leading to noise between author and reader. To compensate for the lack of a standard, we have to create highly detailed wireframes, with often lengthy annotations that explain what our wireframes mean and how elements in them work. These, in turn, are collected in large specification documents that usually are so labor-intensive they become impossible to maintain. When they are no longer kept up-to-date, the team stops trusting and relying on them as the design specification, which leads to all kinds of bad things happening.

In contrast to wireframes, XHTML is a standardized notation, anyone who knows XHTML can read your document. More importantly, it is a language spoken fluently by a key target audience of your design documents, the developers. And those who don't know or care about XHTML can view the part they do care about, the page design, by opening the document in a browser.

Using a standardized notation also means you are not confined to specialized wireframing or prototyping software, but can use anything from a simple text editor to the range of tools available for editing XHTML files. Also the compact syntax of XHTML, particularly compared to verbose wireframe annotations, combined with the fact that you are just typing in a text file, leaving it to a browser to deal with the visuals, allows you to work rapidly and efficiently.

A Small Amount of Knowledge Goes a Long Way

If you're new to XHTML, you'll discover that a small amount of knowledge goes a long way. Spend just a few hours following any of the innumerable online tutorials and you'll be writing XHTML markup in no time. (Two great places to start are or Better yet, rather than invest time learning the UX tool du jour, you deepen your understanding of the technology that realizes your design.

Dividing and Conquering

The redefining of a wireframe from a blueprint to a sketch has a domino effect on who does what and when in evolving the page or application design. After a rough page design has been sketched out, rather than have one team member toil away in isolation, wireframing detailed representations of each page design, this model takes a divide-and-conquer approach. On the team I work with, I might produce an initial cut of the XHTML and some of the CSS, while other team members build on that, updating the XHTML, adding more advanced CSS, as well as JavaScript. If the team as a whole conceives of a solution, why not also have the team as a whole design it? In other words, rather than creating one person's vision of a team's solution, why not have the entire team contribute their particular expertise? When working with XHTML, we can use the tight integration of CSS and JavaScript to allow team members to contribute their dimension of the design via a set of integrated artifacts.

Where To Go From Here

This has, of course, been a mere whetting of the appetite for anyone interested in prototyping with XHTML. If you are interested in exploring the methodology further, particularly if you currently follow a traditional waterfall-oriented process, I recommend a many-small-steps approach. In other words, prototype the methodology itself, working with your team on a small project, and then building on that. If your experience is anything like mine, you'll find it an incredibly powerful addition to your UX toolbox—a more effective way to straddle that proverbial divide between user experience and technology.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Fwd: GIS on campus

From: Brian Whorley <>
Date: Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: GIS on campus
To: Jeff Belden MD <>

Practical, interesting link above. I'm trying to make as many things as visual as possible here in the hospital.  pragmatic acceptance of turnover and various ability levels.  I know we're not making widgets, I just want to remove as much reading/thinking/asking as possible from things that should require thought.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Geek Salad meets Tuesday Oct 28 at 7-8 AM at Kaldi's (9th and Cherry).

Jason Cafer MD plans to present some of the latest thinking his team is doing about a patient portal for psychiatry.


Huh? What’s a patient portal?

That’s where a patient can go to enter data about him or herself, and the data is accessible to the care team.

The trick is, to transform the data into actionable knowledge.

Come see how.


See his web site for a foretaste.




Jeff Belden MD

573-489-4206 m


Monday, October 13, 2008

Re: Any recommendations for encryption software for your files at rest (not just when emailing)?

I've played a little with TrueCrypt:

Belden, Jeffery L. wrote:

Windows platform.


Specifically, anyone know what UMC ITS supports?


Jeff Belden MD

573-489-4206 m


RE: Any recommendations for encryption software for your files at rest (not just when emailing)?


I’ll ask. But, likely the answer will be about protecting the server, which has vastly different protocols than an individual PC.




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Steven J. Osterlind, Ph.D., Professor

Measurement & Statistics

University of Missouri

(573) 268-7514 - cell


From: Belden, Jeffery L.
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 8:42 AM
To: Blog; Brian Whorley (; Calvin Patterson (; Chris Ellingsworth; Chris Miller (; Tharenos, Christy L.; Fannin, David P.; Dory Colbert (; Garrel L Renick; Westergren, Gary D.; Gong, Yang; Hooker, Carl R.; Hussam, Ali A.; James Ronan (; Jason Cafer (; Belden, Jeffery L.; Joe Sanford (; Moore, Joi L.; Kapp, Julie M.; Kochendorfer, Karl M.; Liu, Pei-Ju(MU-Student); McElroy, Jane A.; Current, Neeley Ann; Alafaireet, Patricia; Politte, Keith D.; robert carroll; Erdelez, Sanda; Sean Goggins (; Osterlind, Steven J.; Strid, Marc Bennett; Stuart Belden (; Ted Bowman (; Trull, Tim; Wang, Jiazhen (MU-Student); Woody Sturges (; Wang, Xin (MU-Student)
Cc: Kruse, Robin L.
Subject: Any recommendations for encryption software for your files at rest (not just when emailing)?


Windows platform.


Specifically, anyone know what UMC ITS supports?


Jeff Belden MD

573-489-4206 m


Any recommendations for encryption software for your files at rest (not just when emailing)?

Windows platform.


Specifically, anyone know what UMC ITS supports?


Jeff Belden MD

573-489-4206 m


Friday, October 10, 2008

RE: Geek Salad meets Tuesday Oct 14 from 7-8 Am at Kaldi's on 9th and Cherry

FYI, it anyone plans to attend AMIA this year. Here is an interesting tutorial on usability and beyond.

T06: Human-Centered Design and Evaluation of Health Information Systems
T06 - EHR Series; Human-Centered Design and Evaluation of Health Information Systems. Jiajie Zhang, University of Texas Health Science at Houston Vimla Patel, Arizona State University. A current and significant challenge in the design and implementation of health information technology (HIT) is to deal with the high failure rate of HIT projects. Most of these failures are not due to flawed technology, but rather due to the lack of systematic considerations of human and other nontechnology issues in the design and implementation processes. In other words, designing and implementing HIT is not so much an IT project as a human project about human-centered computing such as human-computer interaction, workflow, organizational change, and process reengineering. Due to the complexity and unique features of health care, humancentered methods and techniques specifically developed for health care are necessary for the successful development of health information systems that would increase efficiency and productivity, increase ease of use and ease of learning, increase user adoption, retention, and satisfaction, and decrease medical errors, decrease development time and cost, and decrease support and training cost. This tutorial covers a few selected conceptual frameworks, methodologies, techniques, processes, and examples for human-centered design and evaluation of health information systems. By the end of the tutorial, participants will be able to: • Understand the principles of human-centered design • Understand the significance of human-centered design and the consequences of technology-driven development • Use human-centered methodologies and techniques to evaluate health information systems • Use human-centered processes to design health information systems that have good usability. Outline of Topics: • The human side of human-computer interaction • Basic frameworks and methodologies of human-centered design • Usability evaluation techniques • UFuRT: A new framework and process for human-centered design and evaluation • Case studies: Usability evaluation of EHR • Case studies: Usability evaluation of medical devices • Patient safety and human-centered design. Intended Audience: Scientists; researchers; physicians, nurses, and other health care professionals; and computer scientists, system developers, and programmers; graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Content level: 40% basic, 50% intermediate, 10% advanced





From: Jeff Belden MD []
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 5:51 AM
To: Hussam, Ali A.; Anjum Khurshid; Brian Whorley; Calvin Patterson; Hooker, Carl R.; Chris Ellingsworth; Chris Miller; Tharenos, Christy L.; Current, Neeley Ann; Fannin, David P.; Dory Colbert; Garrel Renick; Westergren, Gary D.; Geek Salad Blog Post; James Ronan; McElroy, Jane A.; Jason Cafer MD; Belden, Jeffery L.; Wang, Jiazhen (MU-Student); Joe Sanford; Moore, Joi L.; Kapp, Julie M.; Kochendorfer, Karl M.; Alafaireet, Patricia; Liu, Pei-Ju(MU-Student); Politte, Keith D.; Robert Carroll; Erdelez, Sanda; Sean Goggins; Osterlind, Steven J.; Strid, Marc Bennett; Stuart Belden; Ted Bowman; Trull, Tim; Woody Sturges; Wang, Xin (MU-Student); Gong, Yang
Subject: Geek Salad meets Tuesday Oct 14 from 7-8 Am at Kaldi's on 9th and Cherry


Jakob Nielsen just wrote a piece titled "When to Use Which User Experience Research Methods".

Here is the graphic from that article. It's busy.

Maybe your organization needs to use a couple more of these methods.
Which 2 would you promote to your colleagues at work?

See you Tuesday.

By the way, if you prefer not to receive these mailings any more, just reply to this address, and I'll take you off the list.

Jeff Belden MD
various addresses
Columbia MO
573-489-4206 m